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As a Pokémon's IQ increases, they learn a number of skills to help traveling in dungeons. IQ also substitutes for friendship in the main series; Pokémon that normally evolve by friendship instead require a certain amount of IQ to evolve.

While this game mechanic is named after the intelligence quotient, these two metrics are unrelated. When speaking to Alakazam or Noctowl in dungeons, they will mention their high IQ, regardless of how many IQ points they actually have.

While the actual IQ value of a Pokémon is a hidden number, their level of IQ is represented through the number of stars in their summary. From this, it is possible to find out the approximate range of a Pokémon's IQ number.

IQ points may be raised from the use of Gummis. The number of IQ points a Pokémon gains from each Gummi depends on the type of Gummi. Each Gummi is preferred by a particular type. The relation of that type to the type of the Pokémon being given the Gummi can be used to work out the amount of IQ points the Pokémon will gain:

Relation to typeIQ points gainedMatches Pokémon's type7 (Red and Blue Rescue Teams)
5 (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky)Strong against Pokémon's type4Neutral against Pokémon's type3Weak against Pokémon's type2Ineffective against Pokémon's type1

In Red and Blue Rescue Team, Gold (Psychic) Gummis are considered strong against the Ghost type as opposed to neutral.

In the case of dual types, this is first calculated for both types individually. In Red and Blue Rescue Teams, the two are then added together. Because of this, Pokémon with two types will increase their IQ at a faster rate than Pokémon with just one type. For an example, take a dual-type Water/Ground Pokémon such as Swampert. A Blue (Water) Gummi will add 11 IQ points as it is a Water type (+7) and Water attacks are strong against Ground Pokémon (+4). A Yellow (Electric) Gummi will add 5 IQ points as Electric attacks are strong against Water Pokémon (+4) and ineffective against Ground Pokémon (+1).

In Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, the higher of the two values is used. Thus, Gummis matching the Pokémon's type are always preferred over other types of Gummis. Furthermore, IQ can be raised with other items: Wonder Gummis raise IQ by 15 points. Nectar raises IQ by 10 points. The lookalike item Gravelyrock raises IQ by 10 points for Bonsly and Sudowoodo.

Drinks mixed in Spinda's Café may also raise IQ. All Gummi drinks act identically to regular Gummis but are guaranteed to provide a stat boost. A good Gummi drink raises IQ by 2 additional points. A good Max Elixir drink raises IQ by 2 points, while a good Eyedrop Seed drink raises IQ by 3 points. Good drinks from edible lookalike items raise IQ by 3 points (2 for Gravelyrocks), but a standard drink from these items may lower a random stat. Miracle drinks will increase either HP, a random stat, or IQ by a random amount between 2 and 5.

IQ can also be raised by holding an IQ Booster which occasionally boosts the Pokémon's IQ as it moves between floors. The item raises IQ by one point on certain floors of dungeons. Because the amount of IQ gained depends on the dungeon difficulty, easy dungeons with low-level Pokémon, like Mt. Bristle, will give the holder a small trickle while harder dungeons with dangerous, high-level Pokémon, like Zero Isle North, will provide a boost on every floor.

In Red and Blue Rescue Teams, a Pokémon's IQ skills can be checked in the menu under each individual team member at any time in dungeons or Friend Areas. While there are a total of 23 skills, it is only possible to have twelve active at a time. While the five skills without a group can be active simultaneously, there can only be one active skill from groups 1–7 at any time.

Required IQGroupNameAffectsGame descriptionOther notes0-Item CatcherAll PokémonThe Pokémon can catch and hold a thrown item. It can't make a catch if it is already holding an item. It also can't catch Seeds and drink items.0-Course CheckerPartner PokémonIf this Pokémon has a foe targeted for a move or a thrown item, it will check first for walls and other Pokémon that may get in the way. It will stop if there is an obstacle.In the case of linked moves, Course Checker will only check the first one. So if the combination is Growl+Razor Leaf, the Razor Leaf could still be wasted as it has more terrain limitations than Growl.0BDedicated TravelerPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will focus on traveling. It will use moves and items less often.As long as moving is an option, the partner will do so and not stop to attack any nearby Pokémon.0-Item MasterPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will use or throw its hold item.The main benefit of this skill is that it can be turned off to provide an extra storage space, however, turning the skill off stops the Pokémon from using Reviver Seeds.0GExclusive Move-UserPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will only use moves. It will not use its regular attack.This can be used in conjunction with the move menu to get the partner to use a particular attack.5GPP CheckerPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will stop using linked moves that are on the verge of delinking. It also stops using moves with no PP left.As it is possible to stop partners using a particular move, this can safely be switched with Exclusive Move-User when required. This skill doesn't take Pressure into account, resulting in linked moves still becoming delinked when one move has 2 PP remaining.10BEfficiency ExpertPartner PokémonWhen battling several foes, the Pokémon will first target Pokémon with the lowest HP.As the weaker foes are likely to go down in one hit, this allows the leader to focus on the stronger ones without the annoyance of the attacks from the weakest.25-Status CheckerPartner PokémonIf its target has a status problem, the Pokémon will not use moves that cause the same status problem.40-NontraitorAll PokémonIf it becomes Confused or is Cowering, the Pokémon's wildly thrown attacks will not hit friends.70ESelf-CurerAll PokémonThe Pokémon recovers faster from status problems.Temporary status conditions will usually not last beyond 3 turns with this skill.100AQuick DodgerAll PokémonThe Pokémon becomes better at evading attacks and moves.110AType-Advantage MasterAll PokémonThe Pokémon's critical-hit rate is boosted when attacking foes with a type disadvantage.130BWeak-Type PickerPartner PokémonWhen battling several foes, the Pokémon will first target Pokémon that have a type disadvantage.140DTrap AvoiderPartner PokémonThe Pokémon often avoids stepping on visible traps.Switching places with the partner when standing on a trap will not count towards Trap Avoider. Partners will also avoid Wonder Tiles.160ENonsleeperAll PokémonThe Pokémon resists sleep from traps and the moves of foes.200BEXP. Go-GetterPartner PokémonWhen battling several foes, the Pokémon will first target the Pokémon that are worth the most Exp. Points.While all Pokémon in the team share the experience points, this will usually make the partner attack the stronger foes.250EEnergy SaverAll PokémonThe Pokémon's Belly empties slower.300FLava EvaderPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will avoid fiery lava.Any non-fire Pokémon that can travel over lava (including through later IQ skills) will get the Burn condition on stepping over it. As they would normally do it without thought, this stops the problem.400CAll-Terrain HikerAll PokémonThe Pokémon gains the ability to walk on water, lava, and clouds.500ASure-Hit AttackerAll PokémonThe Pokémon's regular attacks never miss.600FTrap SeerLeader PokémonIf the Pokémon is on an undiscovered trap, upon taking a step it will make the trap visible without setting it off.Stepping on an exposed trap will still have an effect. In combination with Trap Avoider, the danger of traps practically disappears.800DHouse AvoiderPartner PokémonThe Pokémon avoids monster houses.While the partner will not wander into Monster Houses on their own, the leader can still activate them.990CSuper MobileAll PokémonThe Pokémon gains the ability to walk on water, lava, and clouds. It can also dig its way through walls.Digging through walls with this skill does not increase belly consumption. Partners will tend to dig their own path so are better suited to All-Terrain Hiker.
Required IQGroup(s)NameAffectsGame descriptionOther notes0-EscapistAll PokémonThe Pokémon has the power to let rescue targets escape a dungeon. This is an essential IQ Skill for exploration teams. Team members must always be ready to use this skill, so it can't be turned off.0-Course CheckerPartner PokémonIf this Pokémon targets an enemy with a move or a thrown item, it will first check for walls and other Pokémon that may get in the way, then stop the action if such an obstacle exists.Course Checker will only check the first entry of a linked move combination.0A,B,DDedicated TravelerPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will focus on traveling. It will use moves and items less often.As long as moving is an option, the partner will do so and not stop to attack any nearby Pokémon.0-Item CatcherAll PokémonThe Pokémon can catch and hold a thrown item, unless it is already holding an item. It can't catch seeds or health drinks.Projectiles like Gravelerocks or Iron Thorns can be caught by team members, but not by enemies.0-Item MasterPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will use or throw its hold item.This skill must be turned on for the Pokémon to use Reviver and Reviser Seeds. It does not prevent the Pokémon from using Natural Gift with a held Seed or Berry.0-Exclusive Move-UserPartner PokémonThe Pokémon only uses moves, not its regular attack. It won't use moves that are out of PP or moves with a link that will delink if used one more time.This can be used in conjunction with the move menu to get the partner to use a particular attack, or to simply do nothing.10E,HEfficiency ExpertPartner PokémonWhen near several enemies, the Pokémon will target the one that has the lowest HP.Checks the enemy's HP number, rather than percentage of HP remaining.25-Status CheckerPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will not use moves that cause a status problem if the target already has the same status problem.If Exclusive Move-User is on (and Weak-Type Picker is off), a Pokémon will "watch carefully" and do nothing if its move choice is stopped by Status Checker. This skill also stops the Pokémon from using healing moves unless an ally has a status condition or is at critical HP.30B,ECheerleaderPartner PokémonThe Pokémon cheers on nearby team members, boosting their Attack and Special Attack by 1 level.Works for adjacent allies. Two adjacent allies will boost each other if both of them have Cheerleader, but a Pokémon adjacent to more than one ally with this skill only receive one boost.40-NontraitorAll PokémonIf the Pokémon has a Confused status or a Cowering status, its wildly aimed attack will not hit friends.Also applies during Blinker status. Turning this skill off allows a Pokémon to target its teammates with certain beneficial moves like Role Play and Sketch when affected by these status conditions. Moves that normally damage teammates (like Earthquake) are unaffected.50A,GAcute SnifferAll PokémonWhen it reaches a new floor, the Pokémon knows the number of items that are lying on the ground.This number includes buried items, which are normally inaccessible.55A,D,F,G,I,JPP SaverAll PokémonThe Pokémon will occasionally use a move without consuming PP.8% activation rate; ignores Pressure but not No-Charger. Conserves PP for all moves in a linked set.65B,E,HBodyguardAll PokémonIf a team member next to this Pokémon is in trouble and has low HP, the Pokémon will step in to take attacks aimed at the friend.Works for allies below 25% HP when an attack is used. Only works against single-target attacks. If an ally falls below 25% HP during a move with multiple hits, a Pokémon with Bodyguard will take the remaining attacks. The skill will not activate if the Pokémon with Bodyguard is affected by certain status conditions.70D,F,G,H,ISelf-CurerAll PokémonThe Pokémon recovers faster than usual from status problems.Volatile status conditions last for half as many turns (rounded up).100C,E,HBrick-ToughAll PokémonThe Pokémon's body becomes tougher, which gives it more HP. This IQ Skill can't be turned off.Increases maximum HP by 10.105A,B,C,FType-Advantage MasterAll PokémonThe Pokémon critical-hit rate is boosted when attacking enemies that have a type disadvantage.Super-effective attacks have a 40% chance to score a critical hit. Other critical-hit rate bonuses are ignored, except for those that would set it to 100% or zero.125F,JWeak-Type PickerPartner PokémonWhen near several enemies, the Pokémon will target the one that has a type disadvantage.Causes allies to consider all of its moves when deciding on what to do, rather than only a single move at random per turn and the regular attack.130C,E,IPower PitcherAll PokémonThe Pokémon's throwing power is boosted, so thrown or hurled items inflict greater damage.Increases throwing damage dealt by 50%. Does not affect fixed damage items like Geo Pebbles, or Gravelerocks, but causes thrown sticky items and Unown Stones to inflict 3 damage instead of 2 and 90 damage instead of 60, respectively.140A,C,E,ISurvivalistLeader PokémonThe Pokémon's Belly fills up more than usual from eating. It may also resist the bad effects of eating Grimy Food.Increases Belly gained by 10% (rounded up). 50% chance to consume Grimy Food with no ill effects.150A,B,HCoin WatcherAll PokémonThe Pokémon has a keen eye for money. When picking up Poké, it will find more than usual.Increases money earned from picking up coins by 20% (rounded down). Only applies to coins directly picked up by a Pokémon with this IQ skill.160A,B,CNonsleeperAll PokémonThe Pokémon resists sleep inflicted on it from traps and enemy moves.Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep for any reason, including Sleep Seed and Rest.170B,D,F,JGap ProberAll PokémonThe Pokémon can send thrown items and deliver its moves through team members to target only enemies. For this IQ Skill to work, the Course Checker skill must be turned off.Disabling Course Checker may also cause ally Pokémon to waste PP trying to attack enemies through walls.175B,E,HWise HealerAll PokémonThe Pokémon recovers more HP than usual if it uses an HP-healing move or item.Increases HP gained from Oran Berries, Sitrus Berries, and moves by 15% (rounded down).180E,F,H,JWary FighterAll PokémonIf the Pokémon misses its attack, it takes a step back to distance itself from its target.Also applies to self-targeting moves like Protect, but not to line-of-sight moves. Triggers upon at least one miss. Absorbed/nullified moves count as a miss. Immediately ends status effects which prohibit travel. Pokémon that step into tiles they cannot normally enter (such as water or lava) will warp randomly.185C,D,JConcentratorAll PokémonThe Pokémon is focused on making its attacks hit, so its accuracy is boosted by 1 level. Its evasion is reduced by 1 level, however.All moves with 5 accuracy stars (and some moves with 4 accuracy stars, along with Blizzard) will no longer miss under normal conditions. Overrides the accuracy bonus granted to female Pokémon. No Guard's effect prevents this skill from working, even for the user.190B,E,H,IDeep BreatherAll PokémonWhen it reaches a new floor, the Pokémon breathes deeply, which slightly restores the PP of its moves.1 PP is restored per floor. This affects a random move among those that do not have full PP.195C,D,G,I,JPractice SwingerAll PokémonWhen the Pokémon fails to hit the target with an attack or move, its Attack and Special Attack get boosted for only the next turn.Attack and Special Attack are boosted until the Pokémon successfully deals damage or the next turn ends (whichever occurs first). In the case of multi-target moves or multi-strike moves, the boost only applies to a single hit.200C,G,IExp. Go-GetterPartner PokémonWhen near several enemies, the Pokémon will target the one that is worth the most Exp. Points.Outlaws are worth 0 Exp. Points.220C,IAggressorAll PokémonThe Pokémon becomes very aggressive, so its Attack and Special Attack are both boosted by 1 level. Its Defense and Special Defense are both reduced by 1 level, however.Stacks with Counter Basher and an ally's Cheerleader.230E,JDefenderAll PokémonThe Pokémon becomes very defensive, so its Defense and Special Defense are both boosted by 1 level. Its Attack and Special Attack are both reduced by 1 level, however.240D,GTrap AvoiderPartner PokémonThe Pokémon avoids stepping on visible traps (and Wonder Tiles) when walking.250E,JEnergy SaverLeader PokémonThe Pokémon's Belly empties slower.Belly lasts 33% longer.260D,F,ISharpshooterAll PokémonBoosts the critical-hit ratios of the Pokémon's moves and attacks.Increases critical-hit rate by a flat 15%. Identical to Scope Lens, with which it does not stack.270F,G,JHit-and-RunnerAll PokémonThe Pokémon may avoid a counterstrike that the enemy uses in response to being struck with an attack or move.Ignores counterattacks 33% of the time.280CCounter BasherAll PokémonThe Pokémon takes on the Counter status, so it counterstrikes under certain conditions. Its Defense will be reduced by 1 level, however.12% chance to counterattack adjacent foe for 100% of damage taken. Cuts corners, and stacks with other Counter effects.290E,G,H,IQuick HealerAll PokémonThe Pokémon's natural HP-recovery speed is boosted.Natural HP recovery speed is doubled. Gives the same benefit as the Heal Ribbon, with which it does not stack.300-Lava EvaderPartner PokémonThe Pokémon will avoid walking on fiery lava.310A,F,JMultitalentAll PokémonThe Pokémon becomes so talented with its moves that it gets slightly more PP to spend on them. This IQ Skill can't be turned off.Increases maximum PP of all moves by 5.320F,GExp. EliteAll PokémonThe Pokémon earns extra Exp. Points after defeating enemies.Additive 10% bonus to experience gained.330D,ECounter HitterAll PokémonThe Pokémon takes on the Mini Counter stats, which makes it strike back against attackers in certain conditions.12% chance to counterattack adjacent foe for 1/4 of damage taken. Cuts corners, and stacks with other Counter effects.340C,GErratic PlayerAll PokémonThe Pokémon's battle performance is erratic, so the positive and negative effects of types influence the power of moves more intensely. This affects the power of moves that the Pokémon uses, as well as the power of moves that hit the Pokémon!Multipliers for super-effective/not very effective/ineffective damage change from 140%/70%/50% to 170%/50%/25%, respectively. Skill can be turned off to lessen the negative impacts of a type disadvantage, unless the enemy also has Erratic Player.350A,BHagglerLeader PokémonThe Pokémon can bargain with Kecleon merchants in dungeons, so it will get lower prices for purchases and higher prices for items it sells.Sell prices are 20% higher, and buy prices are 20% lower.360C,DClutch PerformerAll PokémonIf the Pokémon's HP gets dangerously low, its evasiveness is boosted by 2 levels.Activates below 25% HP. No Guard's effect prevents this skill from working, even for the user.370ACollectorAll PokémonWhen an enemy is defeated, the chances that it will leave a treasure box behind are slightly better.Improves treasure box drop rate to 1 in 9. Only applies if the Pokémon with Collector dealt the finishing blow.400A,F,H,IAll-Terrain HikerAll PokémonThe Pokémon gains the ability to cross water and lava and walk through gulleys.Pokémon that can normally pass through walls will lose the ability to do so. Pokémon will warp if this skill is disabled while occupying a normally-inaccessible tile.420A,B,F,HTrap BusterAll PokémonThe Pokémon may remove traps it steps on. Beware: this IQ Skill won't work all of the time and also affects Wonder Tiles.33% chance to destroy a trap instead of triggering its effect.440D,G,HCritical DodgerAll PokémonThe Pokémon is able to slip out of the reach of dangerous attacks so that critical hits don't make an impact.Provides the same effect as Battle Armor and Shell Armor.480A,D,F,G,JStair SensorAll PokémonWhen it reaches a new floor, the Pokémon uses its intuition to know where the floor's stairway is.Points towards one of eight directions.500E,JSure-Hit AttackerAll PokémonThe Pokémon's regular attacks never miss.520C,D,IExtra StrikerAll PokémonThe Pokémon attacks at a faster rate, so it may lash out with an extra attack right after its first one.33% chance to use regular attack twice.540D,G,H,IQuick DodgerAll PokémonThe Pokémon becomes better at evading attacks and moves.Most attacking moves have two associated accuracy values that are multiplied together; Quick Dodger reduces both by a flat 10%.550B,HFast FriendLeader PokémonImproves the chances that defeated enemies will want to join the exploration team.Boosts recruitment chance by 5%. Required along with Golden Mask and a level 99+ leader for recruiting Kecleon.560C,E,I,JIntimidatorAll PokémonUnder certain conditions the Pokémon can intimidate an enemy that attacks, which gives it a Cringe status condition.33% chance to cancel an incoming close-ranged attack, regardless of the direction the attacker is facing. PP is still deducted from the attacker. Attackers with Inner Focus are unaffected. Does not affect line-of-sight moves, room-range moves, or thrown items. Can affect allies if they target the Intimidator with a close-ranged move for any reason.570C,FNo-ChargerAll PokémonThe Pokémon charges then unleashes any move that normally requires 2 turns in only one turn. Powering up these charge-up moves so quickly consumes 2 PP, however.When the Pokémon's attack frequency is boosted by Unburden, Swift Swim, or Chlorophyll, the second instant use of an affected move will cost an additional 1 PP, consuming 3 PP total.580A,G,JMap SurveyorAll PokémonThe Pokémon is able to sense the layout of the dungeon floor.Does not reveal the location of the stairs.600B,D,GTrap SeerAll PokémonThe Pokémon will not activate a hidden trap when it steps on it. The trap will then be visible.Partners will never trigger invisible traps even without Trap Seer, but they will be revealed if Trap Seer is on. Other Pokémon without Trap Avoider may trigger visible traps.750D,GQuick StrikerAll PokémonThe Pokémon attacks at a very fast rate, so it will always lash out with an extra attack right after the first one.Only affects the regular A-button attack. Does not stack with Extra Striker.800A,B,E,F,H,I,JHouse AvoiderPartner PokémonThe Pokémon senses nearby Monster Houses. It will stop 1 tile before the entrance of a Monster House.Only applicable to Pokémon that are separated from the leader.850A,B,C,FPierce HurlerAll PokémonPokémon's thrown items pierce through walls and other Pokémon without stopping, but impact all Pokémon they hit along the way.Includes Gummis and vitamins. Thrown items may still miss, unless the leader throws an item while holding Lockon Specs.900B,HNature GifterLeader PokémonThe effects of any Seed or Berry that the Pokémon eats spread to the whole party. This IQ Skill only works for the team leader.Does not include Blast Seeds, Dough Seeds, or Reviver and Reviser Seeds when eaten from the Treasure Bag. Seeds and Berries thrown at a leader with this skill are unaffected, even if the leader threw them at a Pokémon holding a Bounce Band or at themselves with a Curve Band.950ITime TripperAll PokémonThe Pokémon's Movement Speed is boosted by 1 level while this IQ Skill is active.990JAbsolute MoverAll PokémonThe Pokémon gains the ability to cross water and lava, walk through gulleys, and dig its way through walls.

In Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, there are enemies with IQ Skills, unlike in Rescue Team.

WhereIQBefore Steam Cave, Marowak Dojo 1-2F1Steam Cave to Temporal Tower, Spacial Rift 1-9F, Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South 1-39F, Destiny Tower 1-39F, Special Episode dungeons (except
Special Episode 4)26Marowak Dojo 3-5F, Mystifying Forest, Sky Peak Mountain Path, Blizzard Island 1-14F, Crevice Cave, Surrounded Sea 1-14F, Miracle Sea 1-14F, Aegis Cave,
Mt. Travail 1-9F, The Nightmare 1-9F, Spacial Rift 10-15F, Deep Spacial Rift 1-4F, Dark Crater, Deep Dark Crater 1-4F, Concealed Ruins 1-19F,
Marine Resort, Lake Afar 1-9F, Happy Outlook 1-14F, Mt. Mistral 1-9F, Shimmer Hill 1-9F, Lost Wilderness 1-9F, Midnight Forest 1-9F, Final Maze,
Zero Isle North 1-13F, Zero Isle East 1-15F, Zero Isle South 40-69F, Destiny Tower 40-69F, Special Episode 4 dungeons150Zero Isle North 14-19F200Lake Afar 10-24F, Happy Outlook 15-19F, Mt. Mistral 10-19F, Shimmer Hill 10-17F, Lost Wilderness 10-17F, Midnight Forest 10-24F, Zero Isle North 20-29F,
Zero Isle East 16-29F, Zero Isle South 70-79F, Destiny Tower 70-79F, Oblivion Forest, Treacherous Waters 1-16F, Southeastern Islands 1-16F, Inferno Cave 1-16F330Blizzard Island 15-20F, Lower Crevice Cave, Surrounded Sea 15-19F, Miracle Sea 15-18F, Deep Miracle Sea, Mt. Travail 10-19F, The Nightmare 10-17F,
Deep Spacial Rift 5-9F, Deep Dark Crater 5-14F, Concealed Ruins 20-29F, Zero Isle North 30-49F, Zero Isle East 30-40F, Zero Isle South 80-98F,
Destiny Tower 80-98F, Treacherous Waters 17-19F, Southeastern Islands 17-22F, Inferno Cave 17-22F, Bottomless Sea, Shimmer Desert, Mt. Avalanche,
Giant Volcano, World Abyss, Sky Stairway, Mystery Jungle331Zero Isle North 50-69F, Southeastern Islands 23-24F, Inferno Cave 23-29F600Zero Isle North 70-74F, Zero Isle Center850BossesBeach Cave boss fight, Drowzee, Gabite1Other main story bosses, Special Episode bosses (except Special Episode 4), Mesprit, Azelf26Mystifying Forest boss fight, Special Episode 4 bosses, Sky Peak Mountain Path boss fights150Fake Groudon, Froslass, legendary giants, Uxie, Mew330Gyarados, Articuno, Heatran, Giratina331Dialga*, Aegis Cave Pit boss fight, Palkia, Dark Crater boss fight, Super-ancient Pokémon600

All Pokémon recruited onto a team start with 0 IQ, regardless of how much they had when fought.

All Pokémon that evolve by friendship in the core series require an increased IQ to evolve in Mystery Dungeon. The number of IQ stars required varies between species.

PokémonIQEvolve toNotesEevee100EspeonAlso requires Sun RibbonUmbreonAlso requires Lunar RibbonRioluLucarioAlso requires Sun RibbonBudewRoseliaAlso requires Sun RibbonChinglingChimechoAlso requires Lunar RibbonGolbat150 (Red and Blue Rescue Team)
200 (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky)CrobatTogepiTogeticChanseyBlisseyPichu200PikachuCleffaClefairyIgglybuffJigglypuffAzurillMarillBunearyLopunnyMunchlaxSnorlax

The moves Frustration and Return deal set damage depending on the IQ level. With no IQ points, Return does 5HP damage while Frustration does 45HP damage. At maximum IQ, these values are reversed. While they are weak attacks in Mystery Dungeon, Frustration is useful in Wish Cave, Joyous Tower and Purity Forest where the Pokémon's IQ level is temporarily reduced to 0 along with their level being temporarily reduced to 1.

PokémonIQ PointsLevelMoveVenusaur33399Frenzy PlantCharizard33399Blast BurnBlastoise33399Hydro CannonPichu33350Volt Tackle

In Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, Pokémon are split into 10 IQ groups (from A to J), which affects what types of IQ skills they will learn. What follows is a list of skills and which Group they belong to. Note that some IQ skills appear in more than one group, especially those which are learnt at the start. Also, unlike in the first games, every IQ skill can be turned on.

GroupSkillWhen LearnedEffectADedicated TravelerBase SkillPrioritizes moving over using attacks or items.Course CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a Throwing Item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its held item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack friends, even when confused or in cowering status.Acute Sniffer50 (☆0.5)Lets you know the number of items on the floor.PP Saver55 (☆0.5)Sometimes gets to use a move without draining PP.Type-Advantage Master105 (☆1)Raises the critical-hit rate of type-effective moves.Survivalist140 (☆1.5)Restores more Belly stat when eating food. Sometimes avoids getting status effects when eating Grimy Food.Coin Watcher150 (☆1.5)When picking up Poké, the Pokémon pulls in 1.2 times the value of the coin. Cannot be turned off.Nonsleeper160 (☆2)Pokémon is immune to nightmare, sleep, yawning and napping status.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Multitalent310 (☆3.5)Adds 5 to Pokémon's max PP. Cannot be turned off.Haggler350 (☆3.5)Can buy low and sell high at Kecleon Markets inside the dungeons.Collector370 (☆4)Raises fallen foes' rate of dropping Treasure Boxes.All-Terrain Hiker400 (☆4)Can cross water, lava and valleys.Trap Buster420 (☆4.5)Occasionally destroys traps by stepping on them.Stair Sensor480 (☆5)Learns the location of the stairs when changing floors.Map Surveyor580 (☆6)Knows the floor layout.House Avoider800 (☆8)Does not enter Monster Houses.Pierce Hurler850 (☆8.5)Throwing items penetrate Pokémon and walls and continues flying.BDedicated TravelerBase SkillPrioritizes moving over using attacks or items.Course CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a Throwing Item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its held item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Cheerleader30 (☆0.5)Raises the Attack and Sp. Attack of neighboring allies by 1 level.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.Bodyguard65 (☆1)Takes damage in place of friends who are low on HP.Type-Advantage Master105 (☆1)Raises the critical-hit rate of type-effective moves.Coin Watcher150 (☆1.5)When picking up Poké, the Pokémon pulls in 1.2 times the value of the coin. Cannot be turned off.Nonsleeper160 (☆2)Pokémon is immune to nightmare, sleep, yawning and napping.Gap Prober170 (☆2)Moves and throwing items pass harmlessly through allies.Wise Healer175 (☆2)Raises the effectiveness of HP-recovery items and moves.Deep Breather190 (☆2)Recovers 1 PP to a random move when changing floors.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Haggler350 (☆3.5)Can buy low and sell high at Kecleon Markets inside dungeons.Trap Buster420 (☆4.5)Occasionally destroys traps by stepping on them.Fast Friend550 (☆5.5)Raises likelihood of recruiting defeated foes by 5%.Trap Seer600 (☆6)Pokémon can see hidden Traps at its feet without setting them off.House Avoider800 (☆8)Does not enter Monster Houses.Pierce Hurler850 (☆8.5)Throwing items penetrate Pokémon and walls, and continue flying.Nature Gifter900 (☆9)Extends the effects of seeds and berries to the allies. Only works for leader Pokémon.CCourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a Throwing Item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its held item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.Brick-Tough100 (☆1)Adds 10 to max HP. Cannot be turned off.Type-Advantage Master105 (☆1)Raises the critical-hit rate of type-effective moves.Power Pitcher130 (☆1.5)Throwing items deal 1.5 times the damage. Does not work with Geo Pebbles and Gravelerocks.Survivalist140 (☆1.5)Restores more Belly stat when eating food. Sometimes avoids getting status effects when eating Grimy Food.Nonsleeper160 (☆2)Pokémon is immune to nightmare, sleep, yawning and napping.Concentrator185 (☆2)Raises Accuracy by 1 but decreases Evasion by 1.Practice Swinger195 (☆2)Raises Attack and Special Attack by 1 on the turn after a missed attack.Exp. Go-Getter200 (☆2)Prioritizes attack foes with a higher experience point payout.Aggressor220 (☆2.5)Raises both Attack stats by 1 each, but decreases both Defense stats by 1 each.Counter Basher280 (☆3)Lowers Defense by 1, and sometimes sends the damage taken back to the foe if the foe is adjacent.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Erratic Player340 (☆3.5)Increases multiplier effect of type compatibility.Clutch Performer360 (☆4)Raises Evasion by 2 when HP is below 25%.Extra Striker520 (☆5.5)Sometimes strikes again following an attack.Intimidator560 (☆6)Sometimes causes attacking foe to cringe.No-Charger570 (☆6)Unleashes charged attacks in one turn, while draining 2 PP.Pierce Hurler850 (☆8.5)Throwing Items penetrate Pokémon and walls and continues flying.DCourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a Throwing Item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its held item.Dedicated TravelerBase SkillPrioritizes moving over using attacks or items.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.PP Saver55 (☆0.5)Sometimes gets to use a move without draining PP.Self-Curer70 (☆1)Shortens required turns for Pokémon to heal from status.Gap Prober170 (☆2)Moves and throwing items pass harmlessly through allies.Concentrator185 (☆2)Raises Accuracy by 1 but decreases Evasion by 1.Practice Swinger195 (☆2)Raises Attack and Special Attack by 1 on the turn after a missed attack.Trap Avoider240 (☆2.5)Avoids visible traps only.Sharpshooter260 (☆3)Raises critical-hit ratio.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Counter Hitter330 (☆3.5)Sometimes counters 1/4 of the damage received back to the adjacent opponent.Clutch Performer360 (☆4)Raises Evasion by 2 when HP is below 25%.Critical Dodger440 (☆4.5)Immunity to critical hits.Stair Sensor480 (☆5)Learns the location of the stairs when changing floors.Extra Striker520 (☆5.5)Sometimes strikes again following an attack.Quick Dodger540 (☆5.5)Raises likelihood of dodging attacks.Trap Seer600 (☆6)Able to step on traps without setting off.Quick Striker750 (☆7.5)Can do two regular attacks in one turn in a row.ECourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a Throwing Item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its held item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Efficiency Expert10 (☆0.5)Attacks Pokémon with the lowest HP first.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Cheerleader30 (☆0.5)Raises the Attack and Sp. Attack of neighboring allies by 1 level.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.Bodyguard65 (☆1)Takes damage in place of friends who are low on HP.Brick-Tough100 (☆1)Adds 10 to max HP. Cannot be turned off.Power Pitcher130 (☆1.5)Throwing items deal 1.5 times the damage. Does not work with Geo Pebbles and Gravelerocks.Survivalist140 (☆1.5)Restores more Belly stat when eating food. Sometimes avoids getting status effects when eating Grimy Food.Wise Healer175 (☆2)Raises the effectiveness of HP-recovery items and moves.Wary Fighter180 (☆2)User steps back one tile when it misses a move.Deep Breather190 (☆2)Recovers 1 PP to a random move when changing floors.Defender230 (☆2.5)Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 1 but lowers Attack and Sp. Attack by 1.Energy Saver250 (☆2.5)Belly goes down slower.Quick Healer290 (☆3)Raises natural HP recovery.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Counter Hitter330 (☆3.5)Sometimes counters 1/4 of the damage received back to the adjacent opponent.Sure-Hit Attacker500 (☆5)Regular attacks do not miss.Intimidator560 (☆6)Sometimes causes attacking foe to cringe.House Avoider800 (☆8)Does not enter Monster Houses.FCourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a Throwing Item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its held item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.PP Saver55 (☆0.5)Sometimes gets to use a move without draining PP.Self Curer70 (☆1)Shortens required turns for Pokémon to heal from status.Type-Advantage Master105 (☆1)Raises critical hit rate for type-effective moves.Weak-Type Picker125 (☆1.5)Targets foes with good type compatibility.Gap Prober170 (☆2)Ranged moves and throwing items can pass allies without causing damage.Wary Fighter180 (☆2)User steps back one tile when it misses a move.Sharpshooter260 (☆3)Raises critical-hit ratio.Hit-and-Runner270 (☆3)Sometimes cancels foe's counter-attacks.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Multitalent310 (☆3.5)Adds 5 to Pokémon's max PP.Exp. Elite320 (☆3.5)Earns more experience when defeating foes.All-Terrain Hiker400 (☆4)Can walk on water, lava and valleys.Trap Buster420 (☆4.5)Sometimes destroys traps when stepping on them.Stair Sensor480 (☆5)Learns the location of stairs when changing floors.No-Charger570 (☆6)Automatically uses charged attack without delay at the cost of 2 PP.House Avoider800 (☆8)Does not enter Monster Houses.Pierce Hurler850 (☆8.5)Throwing items penetrate Pokémon and keep flying.GCourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a thrown item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its hold item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.Acute Sniffer50 (☆0.5)Lets you know the number of items on the floor.PP Saver55 (☆0.5)Sometimes gets to use a move without draining PP.Self-Curer70 (☆1)Shortens Pokémon's turns until its status change is cured.Practice Swinger195 (☆2)Raises Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 on the turn after a missed attack.Exp. Go-Getter200 (☆2)Prioritizes attacking foes with a high experience-point payout.Trap Avoider240 (☆2.5)Dodges visible traps.Hit-and-Runner270 (☆3)Sometimes nullifies counter-attacks.Quick Healer290 (☆3)Raises rate of natural recovery.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Exp. Elite320 (☆3.5)Earns more experience when defeating foes.Erratic Player340 (☆3.5)Increases the multiplier effect of type compatibility.Critical Dodger440 (☆4.5)Pokémon is immune to critical-hits.Stair Sensor480 (☆5)Learns the location of the stairs when changing floors.Quick Dodger540 (☆5.5)Raises the likelihood of dodging attacks.Map Surveyor580 (☆6)Knows the floor layout.Trap Seer600 (☆6)Pokémon can see hidden traps at its feet without setting them off.Quick Striker750 (☆7.5)Can do two regular attacks in a row.HCourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a thrown item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its hold item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Efficiency Expert10 (☆0.5)Targets foes with low HP.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.Bodyguard65 (☆1)Takes damage in place of allies who are low on HP.Self-Curer70 (☆1)Shortens Pokémon's turns until its status change is cured.Brick-Tough100 (☆1)Adds 10 to max HP. Cannot be turned off.Coin Watcher150 (☆1.5)When Picking up Poké, the Pokémon pulls in 1.2 times the value of the coin. Cannot be turned off.Wise Healer175 (☆2)Raises the effectiveness of HP-recovery items and moves.Wary Fighter180 (☆2)Moves back 1 square when its attack misses.Deep Breather190 (☆2)Recovers 1 PP to a random move when changing floors.Quick Healer290 (☆3)Raises rate of natural HP recovery.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.All-Terrain Hiker400 (☆4)Can cross water, lava, and valleys.Trap Buster420 (☆4.5)Occasionally destroys traps by stepping on them.Critical Dodger440 (☆4.5)Pokémon is immune to critical-hits.Quick Dodger540 (☆5.5)Raises likelihood of dodging attacks.Fast Friend550 (☆5.5)Raises likelihood of recruiting defeated foes by 5%.House Avoider800 (☆8)Does not enter Monster Houses.Nature Giver900 (☆9)Extends the effects of seeds and berries to the Pokémon's allies. Only works for Leader Pokémon.ICourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a thrown item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its hold item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack allies, even when confused or in cowering status.PP Saver55 (☆0.5)Sometimes gets to use a move without draining PP.Self-Curer70 (☆1)Shortens Pokémon's turns until its status change is cured.Power Pitcher130 (☆1.5)Throwing items deal 1.5 times the damage. Does not work with Gravelerocks.Survivalist140 (☆1.5)Restores more Belly stat when eating food. Sometimes avoids getting status effects when eating Grimy Food.Deep Breather190 (☆2)Recovers 1 PP to a random move when changing floors.Practice Swinger195 (☆2)Raises Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 on the turn after a missed attack.Exp. Go-Getter200 (☆2)Prioritizes attacking foes with a high experience-point payout.Aggressor220 (☆2.5)Raises Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 but lowers Defense and Sp. Defense by 1.Sharpshooter260 (☆3)Raises critical-hit rate.Quick Healer290 (☆3)Raises rate of natural HP recovery.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.All-Terrain Hiker400 (☆4)Can cross water, lava, and valleys.Extra Striker520 (☆5.5)Sometimes strikes again following an attack.Quick Dodger540 (☆5.5)Raises the likelihood of dodging attacks.Intimidator560 (☆6)Sometimes causes attacking foe to cringe.House Avoider800 (☆8)Does not enter Monster Houses.Time Tripper950 (☆9.5)Raises initial Speed by 1.JCourse CheckerBase SkillRefrains from attacks that would be blocked by walls or allies.EscapistBase SkillCan use the Explorer Badge to leave the dungeon. Cannot be turned off.Item CatcherBase SkillCan catch a thrown item and keep it for its own.Item MasterBase SkillCan use and throw its hold item.Exclusive Move-UserBase SkillUses only moves, not regular attacks.Status Checker25 (☆0.5)Refrains from moves that inflict a status effect that the foe already has.Nontraitor40 (☆0.5)Does not attack friends, even when confused or otherwise troubled.PP Saver55 (☆0.5)Sometimes gets to use a move without draining PP.Weak-Type Picker125 (☆1.5)Targets foes with good type compatibility.Gap Prober170 (☆2)Moves and Throwing Items pass harmlessly through ally.Wary Fighter180 (☆2)Moves back 1 square when its attack misses.Concentrator185 (☆2)Raises Accuracy by 1 but lowers Evasiveness by 1.Practice Swinger195 (☆2)Raises Attack and Sp. Attack by 1 on the turn after a missed attack.Defender230 (☆2.5)Raises Defense and Sp. Defense by 1 but lowers Attack and Sp. Attack by 1.Energy Saver250 (☆2.5)Belly stat depletes more slowly.Hit-and-Runner270 (☆3)Sometimes nullifies counter-attacks.Lava Evader300 (☆3)Avoids entering lava.Multitalent310 (☆3.5)Adds 5 to Pokémon's max PP. Cannot be turned off.Stair Sensor480 (☆5)Learns the location of the stairs when changing floors.Sure-Hit Attacker500 (☆5)Regular attacks never miss.Intimidator560 (☆6)Sometimes causes attacking foe to cringe.Map Surveyor580 (☆6)Knows the floor layout.House Avoider800 (☆8)Does not enter Monster Houses.Absolute Mover990 (☆10)Can cross water, lava, and valleys, and can crush walls.
Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.