MHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (2024)

Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Hunting Horn guide on the best loadout and armor build for this weapon. Includes recommended equipment, elements, decorations, skills, and more!!!

Safijiiva Weapon Builds

  • Safijiiva Blast Weapon Build

Iceborne: Recommended Builds

  • Iceborne Starter Build
  • Iceborne Middle Phase Build
  • Iceborne Late Phase (MR ~70) Build

Top Recommended Builds

  • Lunastra Earplugs Build
  • High Damage Build
  • Taroth Pipe Sleep Build
  • Overall Balanced Build

Recommended Skills

  • Best Skills For Hunting Horn

Related Article On Hunting Horn

How To UseMHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (2)Best Builds
Best Skills Endgame Tier List

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Safijiiva Blast Weapon Build

Master Rank Safi'Jiiva Blast Hunting Horn Build

MHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (5)

Safi's ShatterhornHealth Regen 1
Affinity Increase 1
Element/Status Effect Up 1 Critical/Vitality Jewel 4
Kaiser Crown β + Challenger/Vitality Jewel 4
Rex Roar Mail β +Tenderizer/Vitality Jewel 4
Expert Jewel 1
Kaiser Vambraces β +Expert Jewel 4
Critical Jewel 2
Kaiser Coil β +Sonorous Jewel 4
Challenger Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β +Challenger Jewel 4
Challenger Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Attack Charm 4-
Critical Eye Lvl 7Attack Boost Lvl 7
Agitator Lvl 5Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Health Boost Lvl 3Critical Boost Lvl 3
Horn Maestro Lvl 2Blast Attack Lvl 2
Heat Guard Lvl 1Latent Power Lvl 1
Master's Touch (Set Bonus)-

Recommended Weapon Skill Awakening

Points of Recommendations

  • Melody can be changed without switching weapons
  • Recommended alternate Melodies - Earplugs, Stamina, or Elemental
  • Master's Touch lessens sharpness loss & need for sharpening

Full Safijiiva Hunting Horn & Armor Build

Safijiiva Shatterhorn & Crested Armor Build

This set is inspired by the armor build originally shared by Xenoswarm on Youtube.

Full Safijiiva Weapon & Armor Build Details

Safi's ShatterhornHealth Regen 1
Attack Increase 1 Sonorous Jewel 4
Safi Crested Crown β + Tenderizer/Vitality Jewel 4
Attack Jewel 1
Attack Jewel 1
Safi Crested Chest β +Tenderizer/Vitality Jewel 4
Challenger Jewel 2
Safi Crested Vambraces β +Brace/Evasion Jewel 4
Challenger Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Safi Crested Belt β +Phoenix/Vitality Jewel 4
Attack Jewel 1
Safi Crested Boots β +Furor/Evasion Jewel 4
Challenger Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 1
Fury Charm 4-
Rocksteady Mantle+Attack Jewel 1
Attack Jewel 1
Glider Mantle+Challenger Jewel 4
Attack Jewel 4
Resentment Lvl 5Evade Window Lvl 5
Attack Boost Lvl 4
*Lvl 5 with Mantle
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Health Boost Lvl 3Critical Boost Lvl 3
Agitator Lvl 3
*Lvl 5 with Mantle
Horn Maestro Lvl 2
CoalescenceDragonvein Awakening (Set Bonus)
True Dragonvein Awakening (Set Bonus)-

Recommended Weapon Skill Awakening

Skill No. Of Frames
Attack Increase VI 1
Attack Melody IV 1
Attack Increase V 1
Sharpness Increase V 1

Points of Recommendations

  • Dragonvein Awakening pairs well with Resentment for damage
  • Evade Window & Health Boost provide survivability

Iceborne Starter: Mad Bone Builds

MHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (6)

Mad Bone Horn 1Earplug Jewel 3
Bone Helm α +Earplug Jewel 3
Bone Mail α +Attack Jewel 1
Bone Vambraces α + Sonorous Jewel 1
Bone Coil α +KO Jewel 2
Beo Greaves β +Earplug Jewel 3
Handicraft Charm 3-
Earplugs Lvl 5Attack Boost Lvl 4
Health Boost Lvl 3Slugger Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Horn Maestro Lvl 2
Partbreaker Lvl 2-

Points of Recommendations

  • Can easily be crafted at the start of Iceborne
  • Can easily cause stuns & assist allies
  • Weapon branches from Heavy Bone Horn Ⅱ

Iceborne Middle Phase Build

The Rasping BalladElementless Jewel 2
Fulgur Helm β +Tenderizer 2
Tenderizer 2
Nargacuga Mail β +Vitality Jewel 1
Nargacuga Braces β +Vitality Jewel 1
Acidic Glavenus Coil β +Expert Jewel 4
Naragcuga Greaves α +Vitality Jewel 1
Sonorous Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm III-
Handicraft Lv5Evade Window Lv3
Weakness Exploit Lv3Health Boost Lv3
Stamina Surge Lv2Critical Eye Lv2
Peak Performance Lv1Horn Maestro Lv1
Non-elemental Boost Lv1True Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
(Set Bonus)

High & Stable Damage

The Rasping Ballad has high attack and plays Attack Up (L). Non-elemental Boost raises the base damage while Health Boost & Evade Window raises the chance of survival. Also, you will not lose the sharpness because of the Handicraft.

Plays All Melody Effects Extended

The Rapsing Ballad plays All Melody Effect Extended. Because of this, you don't need to raise Horn Maestro to level 2.

Iceborne Late Phase (MR~70) Build

Bazel Valdi RooksearerSonorous Jewel 1
Sonorous Jewel 1
Fulgur Helm β +Expert Jewel 4
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kushala Cista β +Tenderizer Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Damascus Vambraces β +Expert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Shara Ishvalda Coil α +Handicraft Jewel 3
Vitality Jewel 1
Garuga Greaves β +Expert Jewel 1
Critical Jewel 2
Expert Jewel 2
Razor Sharp Charm-
Critical Eye Lv7Handicraft Lv5
Weakness Exploit Lv3Health Boost Lv3
Critical Boost Lv3Horn Maestro Lv2
Recovery Up Lv1Razor Sharp/Spare Shot

High Attack With Purple Sharpness

Bazel Valdi Rooksearer has purple sharpness with Handicraft. By utilizing Razor Sharp Charm, it reduces the sharpness loss by half & enjoy long lasting 80% affinity. Critical Boost will higher the critical damage as well.

Find Out How To Get Razor Sharp Charm

Plays Attack UP (L)

In addition to the high critical damage mentioned above, Bazel valdi Rooksearer plays Attack Up(L) which boosts more power. It also plays several recovery melodies so you can utilize both in solo or multi play.

Alternative: Evasion Jewel

If you prefer to play safe than having high damage, switch Critical Jewel with Evasion Jewel or Jumping Jewel. You can raise up to Lv3 & it will help you evade monsters attack more easily.

Lunastra Earplugs Build For Hunting Horn

*Following information are Monster Hunter World's best loadout, not Iceborne.

MHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (7)

Empress Roar "Blaze"Affinity Increase
Sonorous Jewel 1
Drachen Armet αTenderizer Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 1
Bazel Helm βTenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces αJumping Jewel 2
Drachen Greaves αJumping Jewel 2
Earplugs Charm III-
Critical Eye Lvl 6Earplugs Lvl 5
Attack Boost Lvl 4Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Critical Boost Lvl 3Evade Extender Lvl 2
Horn Maestro Lvl 1Power Prolonger Lvl 1
GutsMaster's Touch

Lunastra Weapon Build With Earplugs

This build is centered around its Earplugs, Evade Extender, and Guts skills that allow you to move the area around freely while hunting. Even without γ equipment, you'll be able to activate high-tier skills.

High Damage Build For Hunting Horn

Deep VeroAffinity Increase
Attack Increase
Kaiser Crown γTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Nergigante Mail γTenderizer Jewel 2
Sonorous Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Vambraces αCritical Jewel 1
Critical Jewel 1
Nergigante Coil γExpert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Nergigante Greaves γCritical Jewel 1
Mighty Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm III-
Critical Eye Lvl 7Attack Boost Lvl 4
Critical Boost Lvl 4Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Handicraft Lvl 3Maximum Might Lvl 3
Agitator Lvl 1Horn Maestro Lvl 1
Hasten Recovery-

Gear Focusing On High Damage

This set focuses on the Attack Up buff of the Deep Vero Hunting Horn. Combined with Critical Eye, Attack Boost, & more, when you receive the buff, make sure to hit monster weak spots to do great damage to it.

Taroth Pipe Sleep Build For Hunting Horn

MHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (8)

Taroth Pipe SleepEvasion Jewel 2
Nergigante Helm βExpert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Nergigante Mail γEarplug Jewel 3
Elementless Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Drachen Vambraces αTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Empress Coil γEarplug Jewel 3
Nergigante Greaves γTenderizer Jewel 2
Sonorous Jewel 1
Earplugs Charm III-
Earplugs Lvl 5Attack Boost Lvl 4
Critical Eye Lvl 4Health Boost Lvl 3
Weakness Exploit Lvl 3Maximum Might Lvl 3
Evade Window Lvl 3Horn Maestro Lvl 1
Non-elemental BoostHasten Recovery

Taroth Pipe Sleep Build With Elementless Attack

This Hunting Horn build features the Taroth Pipe Sleep which has the Attack Up buff. It has an overall balanced set of skills with a boost in non-elemental damage against any type of monster.

Overall Balanced Build For Hunting Horn

MHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (9)

Empress Roar "Blaze"Sonorous Jewel 1
Empress Crown βExpert Jewel 1
Expert Jewel 1
Empress Mail βEarplug Jewel 3
Elementless Jewel 2
Vitality Jewel 1
Empress Vambraces γTenderizer Jewel 2
Tenderizer Jewel 2
Empress Coil γEarplug Jewel 3
Dante's Leather Boots αTenderizer Jewel 2
Sonorous Jewel 1
Earplugs Charm III-
Earplugs Lvl 5Critical Eye Lvl 5
Health Boost Lvl 3Weakness Exploit Lvl 3
Peak Performance Lvl 3Evade Window Lvl 3
Evade Extender Lvl 3Horn Maestro Lvl 1
GutsStamina Cap Up

Overall Balanced Build Focused On Health & Survival

In this weapon & armor set, your main focus is to survive and keep your health up during the hunt. With Evade Window & Evade Extender, you'll achieve a good amount of mobility, too.

Best Skills For Hunting Horn

Recommended Skills For Attacking

Skill Recommendation / Overview
Weakness Exploit
Hitting monster weak spots can do critical hits & increased damage
Master's Touch
Prevents sharpness loss when dealing critical hits
Elongates weapon's sharpness gauge but not beyond its maximum
Maximum Might
Affinity rate increases when stamina is full
Attack Boost
Increases attack power plus affinity rate at higher levels
Critical Eye
Increases you affinity rate
Critical Boost
Strengthens damage of critical hits
Peak Performance
Attack increases when HP is full
Non-elemental Boost
Strengthens non-elemental weapons you've equipped

Recommended Supporting Skills

Skill Recommendation / Overview
Horn Maestro
Lengthens duration of Hunting Horn melody buffs
Health Boost
Increases health points
Evade Window
Elongates invincibility when dodging
Evade Extender
Increases distance of rolls and dodges
Lessens stun duration from monster roars & shouts
Items consumed will also affect surrounding players
Flinch Free
Reduces knockbacks and staggers from small amounts of damage
MHW: ICEBORNE | Hunting Horn - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide - GameWith (2024)


What armor is good for hunting horn mhw? ›

Sleep Horn Build
ArmorArtian Mail Beta +Sleep Jewel+ 4 x1
VambracesDamascus Vambraces Beta +Critical/Vitality Jewel 4 x1 Sonorous Jewel 1 x1
WaistArtian Coil Beta +Earplug/Vitality Jewel 4 x1 Sonorous Jewel 1 x1
LegsGaruga Greaves Beta +Expert Jewel+ 4 x1 Tenderizer Jewel 2 x1
4 more rows
Jan 15, 2024

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Best Hunting Horn: Monster Hunter World

Def. The Deep Vero is undoubtedly one of the most useful Hunting Horns in game. Not only does it sport a decent damage and sharpness, its strength lies in the notes it can play. With damage, defense, and health boosting, this Hunting Horn is sure to be a boon with any allies.

What are the best skills for Hunting Horn? ›

Try getting Attack Boost., Horn Maestro, and Weakness Exploit. Horn maestro is a must have. Slugger and Stamina Thief are great as well, even in multiplayer with the amount of hits you will be dishing to both the head and everywhere else that monster will get ko'd super fast and be forever hungry and slow.

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But when it comes to how to get the Bull Goat armor, Elden Ring players only have one option: to swear fealty to the Volcano Manor, take on Patches' request, and defeat the current wearer of this armor set: Great Horned Tragoth.

Can Hunting Horn cut tails in MHW? ›

Being a blunt weapon, it is normally impossible to cut tail of monsters, unless deliberately using the Hilt Stab attack.

What does horn Maestro do in Monster Hunter world? ›

yes, it will extend the duration to all party members. It's even effect your kitty too. It's useful in giving you more time to extend your songs since replaying the basic song will also extend the encore effect without needing to play the encore so long as you never let it fully run out.

How do you get majestic horn in Monster Hunter? ›

To obtain the majestic horn, you need to defeat and break the horns of a high-rank Diablos, which has more health than regular Diablos and is considerably more powerful. To break the high-rank Diablos horns, you need to equip a heavy class or have a teammate with a heavy weapon such as a hammer.

Do Hunting Horn melodies stack? ›

No. For balance purposes they do not stack. That's why it's advised to bring different songs on the party if you have more than one horn.

How do I hunt a Rathalos? ›

The easiest way to kill a Rathalos is to force him to land multiple times. Every time the Rathalos crashes, you'll get an opportunity to beat his hide hard. After you've taken advantage of this tactic enough times, the Rathalos will drop for the final time.

What is Hunter's Horn? ›

Hunting horns are instruments used mostly in the act of fox hunting in order for members of the hunt to communicate with one another. The horns also allow the hunters to communicate with the dogs involved in hunting. Hunting horns can be split into three main categories.

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However, due to the scarcity of these horns, we recommend holding onto them for upgrading the Barbarian Armor Set at the Great Fairies Fountains. Other possible uses for this rare horn are to cook them with critters to make slightly longer-lasting elixirs or to dye your armor at the Kochi Dye Shop in Hateno.

What is the most powerful weapon in Monster Hunter World Iceborne? ›

Dual Blades are arguably the most powerful weapon type in the game. Similar to Long Swords, Dual Blades charge up attacks to enter Demon Mode, which raises the attack damage through longer combo chains. Raising these levels lets the player enter Archdemon Mode, which boosts even higher.

How do you get Xeno horn? ›

Break the head. Gunning makes it easy. It's not that hard as melee, it seems really weak, got it on my first kill using a Long Sword. Focus the front legs and he falls over all the time letting you hit it.

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