Risk of Rain 2 Void Fiend Build and Survivor Guide (2024)

Void Fiend is a corrupted, void-mutated monstrosity, wielding the devastating powers of the Void to make themselves into a lethal weapon. In Risk of Rain 2, Void Fiend struggles against the Void, constantly suppressing or unleashing built-up Corruption, which can shift their abilities into a devastating close-range fighting style.

It’s worth mentioning that Void Fiend is called V??oid Fiend in-game. Along with their name having a stylized spelling, all of Void Fiend’s in-game text includes question marks.

How To Unlock Void Fiend in Risk Of Rain 2

Dragged Below

To Unlock Void Fiend in Risk of Rain 2, you must first own the Survivors of the Void DLC, then complete the Dragged Below challenge. This challenge requires you to survive 50 waves in the Simulacrum or defeat the Boss in The Planetarium.

Defeating the Boss in the Planetarium requires you first to defeat Mithrix at the Commencement stage. If you are having trouble, check out our guide on the best Lunar Items in Risk of Rain to defeat Mitrhix. It’ll make the battle much easier for you!

After defeating Mithrix, go back to the Primordial Teleporter at the start of the stage and find a small frog. Pet the frog ten times and take the Deep Void Portal that spawns there. Defeating the alternate final Boss gives you one of the many different endings Risk of Rain 2 has, and you can find our complete guide on how to obtain each alternative ending here.

The alternate way to unlock Void Fiend is to play the new Survivors of the Void Simulacrum mode. This new mode is an infinitely scaling wave-based horde mode, and you must survive 50 waves inside this new mode to obtain Void Fiend. The Simulacrum can be played solo or in multiplayer, and it boils down Risk of Rain 2’s game down to mainly the combat without having to traverse new levels for items.

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How Do Void Fiend’s Abilities Work?

Passive – Void Corruption

Void Fiend’s Passive is Void Corruption, which is displayed as a small meter that constantly fills up to a cap of 100%. Upon reaching 100%, Void Feind’s abilities change to devastating variants of their default counterparts. Yet when charged, they mainly lack range. While Void Fiend is transforming, they gain 0.5 seconds of invincibility, and afterward, they gain 100 armor while all of their ability cooldowns are refreshed.

Taking damage, landing critical strikes, and possessing void items help build Corruption, while being healed will reduce Corruption. For each Void item that Void Fiend possesses, its minimum corruption level is increased by 2%. The more Void Items you have, the less total corruption meter you must build up to transform.

Primary Abilities Available to Void Fiend in Risk of Rain 2

Drown – Uncorrupted

Drown is Void Fiend’s non-corrupted primary ability. Void Fiend fires a slowing beam which deals 300% base damage. This ability has an infinite range, making it nearly hitscan and no damage falloff. Drown also afflicts a 50% slow with every shot.

Corrupted Drown – Corrupted

Corrupted Drown is Void Fiend’s transformed primary ability. Void Fiend continuously fires a short-range beam that deals 2000% base damage. Corrupted Drown ticks eight times per second at base attack speed and pierces through enemies with a 40-meter range. However, while this ability is in use, Void Fiend suffers a 50% slow while in use.

Secondaries Skills

Flood – Uncorrupted

Flood is Void Fiend’s uncorrupted secondary ability. Risk of Rain 2 Void Fiend fires a plasma missile for 600% base damage. If Flood is charged, it begins to change into a plasma ball with 1100% base damage. Flood takes about one second to charge with base attack speed and pushes both Void Fiend and enemies back when the charged plasma ball is launched.

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Corrupted Flood – Corrupted

Corrupted Flood is Void Fiend’s transformed secondary ability. Void Fiend fires a plasma ball which deals 1100 base damage. Unlike the uncorrupted version, there is no need to charge the ability, and it fires automatically at full charge. Corrupted Flood functions like the normal fully charged Flood, including its knockback and projectile speed.


Trespass – Uncorrupted

Trespass is Void Fiend’s uncorrupted Utility skill. Void Fiend Disappears, cleansing all debuffs while moving in an upward arc. While Void Fiend vanishes, he is invulnerable, and you can cancel the movement ability early. The distance traveled and ending momentum scale with movement speed times.

Corrupted Trespass – Corrupted

Corrupted Trespass is Void Fiend’s transformed Utility ability in Risk of Rain 2. It works like normal Trespass, but the movement arc doesn’t bring you upward; instead, it launches you forward. Corrupted Trespass also grants temporary movement speed during the animation, making this ability move far more quickly than normal Trespass.

Specials Available to Void Fiend in RoR2

Suppress – Uncorrupted

Suppress is Void Fiend’s non-corrupted Special ability. It causes Void Fiend to crush 25% of their Corruption to heal themself for 25% of their maximum health. Void Fiend can use this ability while sprinting. Yet, you can’t use it if Void Fiend doesn’t have a minimum of 25% corruption.

Corrupted Suppress – Corrupted

Corrupted Suppress is Void Fiend’s transformed Special ability. While altered, Void Fiend can sacrifice 25% of their maximum health to gain 25% corruption. This ability can be used while sprinting, has two base charges, and items can block the self-inflicted damage.

The Best Void Fiend Build in Risk of Rain 2

Although it’s likely that, in a future Risk of Rain 2 update, Void Fiend will obtain new ability variants, they currently have none. Every one of Void Fiend’s abilities is set to be what you get when you first unlock them, and they all have versatility in their way. Practically any item is good to build on Void Fiend, even items like Focus Crystal which generally are regulated to melee survivors.

Void Fiend synergizes best with every Void Item aside from Lysate Cell, as you’re likely not to want a third charge of a move that damages a fourth of your health in return for a couple of seconds’ high-damage uptime. Every stack of any Void Item provides Void Fiend with a base 2% on their Corruption Meter, meaning that once you have over 14 total Void Items, including those corrupted by having the base item in your inventory.

You can spam Void Fiend’s Suppress to indefinitely heal 25% of their health every time you press the button. There is no downside to doing this apart from not entering the form where Void Fiend lacks range and indefinite healing in Risk of Rain 2.

Attack Speed and Movement Speed make up for that which Void Fiend lacks when not corrupted. When corrupted, they allow them to weave in and out of battle while shredding high-health enemies with Drown. If you wish to generate Corruption faster, build Critical Hit items like the Laser Scope in Risk of Rain 2. Opt for healing if you want to stay in Void Fiend’s base form more often.

Risk of Rain 2 Void Fiend Tips & Tricks

  • Flood can trigger Runald’s. Kjaro’s and Singularity Band, even when not fully charged since it deals more than 400% base damage.
  • The minimum Corruption can be increased to 100% with void items, allowing Void Fiend to remain permanently in their transformed corrupted state.
  • Flood can be charged and fired while using Trespass.
  • Rejuvenation Rack allows Void Fiend’s Suppress to heal 50% max health for only 25% corruption.
  • If Void Fiend has at least 13 Void Items in Risk of Rain 2, they can heal infinitely using Suppress.
  • Interacting with a Void Cradle or Shrine of Blood increases Void Fiend’s Corruption, allowing them to use Suppress to gain a partial amount of HP they sacrificed.
  • Obtaining too many healing items can nearly lock Void Fiend out from being able to transform.

Wrapping Up Our Risk of Rain 2 Void Fiend Guide

Overall, Void Fiend is a fun, corrupted monster to play, with the constant changing between a ranged self-sustaining survivor to a terrifying, aggressive monster who loves close-quarters combat. The constant change between the two different playstyles is something that currently no other survivor than Void Fiend has in Risk of Rain 2. The drastic difference between Void Fiend’s gameplay styles also is a constant balancing act and can be shifted more to favor one side depending on the items you acquire during your run.

If you enjoy this constantly changing playstyle, then the newest character from the Survivors of the Void DLC is for you. Overall, Void Fiends is a fantastic choice. We even ranked them as the best Risk of Rain 2 character on our tier list!

Risk of Rain 2 Void Fiend Build and Survivor Guide (2024)
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