California Meal Break & Rest Break Law (2024) – Calculator + Charts – California Labor and Employment Law (2024)

This meal break and rest break calculator will tell you how many meal and/or rest breaks you are entitled to under California labor law. Just enter your shift start and shift end times and the calculator will explain your break rights. IMPORTANT: If you took unpaid meal breaks during your shift, say 30 minutes in total, MAKE SURE TO ENTER “30” IN THE MEAL BREAK INPUT WINDOW. The law considers only time worked on the clock. Meal breaks are usually taken off the clock and must not be included in the calculation.

California Meal Break & Rest Break Law (2024) – Calculator + Charts – California Labor and Employment Law (1)


Under California meal break law (which is much more generous to employees than federal labor law), if you are a non-exempt worker, you are entitled to a 30-minute uninterrupted, duty-free meal break if you work more than 5 hours in a workday. You are also entitled to a 10-minute uninterrupted, duty-free rest breaks for every 4 hours you work (or “major fraction” thereof). If your boss doesn’t comply with break law requirements, they are required to pay you one extra hour of regular pay for each day on which a meal break violation occurred, and another extra hour of regular pay for each day on which a rest break violation occurred.

California Rest Break Law Chart

Hours on the ClockRest Breaks
0 – 3:29 hrs0
3:30 – 6 hrs1
6:01 – 10 hrs2
10:01 – 14 hrs3
14:01 – 18 hrs4
18:01 – 22 hrs5

California Rest Break Requirements

  • Your boss must give you a rest break of at least 10 consecutive minutes that are uninterrupted.
  • Rest breaks must be paid.
  • If you work at least 3.5 hours in a day, you are entitled to one rest break. If you work over 6 hours, you are entitled to a second rest break. If you work over 10 hours, you are entitled to a third rest break.
  • Rest breaks must to the extent possible be in the middle of each work period. If you work 8 hours or so, you should have a separate rest break both before and after your meal break.
  • Your boss may not require you to remain on work premises during your rest breaks.
  • You cannot be required to work during any required rest breaks. [Cal. Lab. C. 226.7]. BUT, you are free to skip your rest breaks provided your boss isn’t encouraging or forcing you to.

California Meal Break Law Chart

Hours on the ClockMeal Breaks
0 – 5 hrs0
5:01 – 10 hrs1
10:01 – 15 hrs2
15:01 – 20 hrs3
20:01 –4

California Meal Break Law Requirements

  • If you work over 5 hours in a day, you are entitled to a meal break of at least 30 minutes that must start before the end of the fifth hour of your shift. BUT, you can agree with your boss to waive this meal period provided you do not work more than 6 hours in the workday. You can also agree with your boss to an on-duty meal break which counts as time worked and is paid.
  • If you work over 10 hours in a day, you are entitled to a second meal break of at least 30 minutes that must start before the end of the tenth hour of your shift. You can agree with your boss to waive the second meal break if you do not work more than 12 hours and you did not waive your first meal break.
  • You must be allowed to take your meal break off work premises and spend your break how you wish, since it is off the clock.
  • You cannot be required to work during any required meal break. [Cal. Lab. C. 512].
  • As of 2012, your boss has an affirmative obligation to ensure that breaks are made available to you but the actual taking of meal breaks is left to the employee. In other words, you are responsible for “breaking” yourself.

Note, rest breaks and meal breaks are supposed to be separate, they should not be combined. Your boss cannot give you a single 1-hour break and say that that counts as all of your meal breaks and rest breaks.

Keep in mind, there are many exceptions to the above for certain industries, such as the construction, healthcare, group home, motion picture, manufacturing, and baking industries.

Can I Skip or Waive My Breaks?

Employers are required by law to make timely meal and rest breaks available to you, but they aren’t required to make you take them. That is up to you as the employee. If you decide to voluntarily skip or waive your meal or rest break, or to take them late, with no pressure or encouragement from the employer, then that is legally permitted. BUT remember, employers have the right under California labor laws to set your work schedule, including your break schedule. While not required to do it, employers have the right to order employees to go on their meal and rest breaks. If the employee doesn’t comply, the employer has the right to discipline or terminate the employee for insubordination. So it is always a good idea to discuss with your employer beforehand your intention to skip or waive any meal or rest breaks, or to take them late.

Can I Sue My Employer for Violating California Meal Break and Rest Break Law?

Yes you can, and you should. If your employer is denying you meal breaks and rest breaks, you would be entitled to receive a penalty of 1 hour wages per day you were denied any rest breaks, and an additional penalty of 1 hour wages per day you were denied any meal breaks (for a maximum penalty of up to 2 hours wages per day). We can help you file a California labor board complaint. Give us a call at(213) 992-3299. Note, your claims are subject to strict filing deadlines. For meal and rest break violations, the filing deadline is usually considered to be 3 years thanks to a recent California Supreme Court decision. [Murphy v Kenneth Cole Productions, 40 Cal.4th 1094 (2007)], but in certain cases, a 1 year filing deadline could apply.

I Am an Exempt Salaried Worker, Can I Still Sue My Employer?

The correct answer is “it depends”. There are many kinds of exemptions under California labor laws. If you are a supervisor, you may fall under the supervisor exemption, otherwise known as the executive exemption. But that exemption has many requirements which your employer may have blown. Also, other kinds of exempt employees are still entitled to meal break and rest break rights. For instance, truck drivers are often considered exempt. However, under California labor laws, they must still receive their meal breaks and rest breaks. Another example are “inside salespeople” who sell products or services while physically stationed at the employer’s office. While normally considered “exempt”, they are still entitled to meal breaks and rest breaks. Again, consult a lawyer to see if your situation qualifies for breaks.

Call(213) 992-3299and Get Your Labor Board Complaint Started Now

Feel free to give us a call at (213) 992-3299 if you want to discuss filing a labor board complaint. We have successfully obtained awards for our clients in over 97% of our trials and hearings — one of the best trial records in the State of California. Let us put our decades of legal experience to work for you.

Photo courtesy of cjmellows

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California Meal Break & Rest Break Law (2024) – Calculator + Charts – California Labor and Employment Law (2024)


What are the break laws in California 2024? ›

Basic requirement for meal break: An employee working for at least 5 hours in a single shift but less than 6 hours is entitled to one meal break lasting at least 30 minutes. Any employee working for more than 10 hours in a single shift is entitled to take 2 meal breaks comprising 30 minutes each.

What are the meal and rest break requirements for California employees? ›

California law provides most employees with the right to have an unpaid 30-minute meal period if they work more than 5 hours, and the right to have at least one paid ten-minute rest break if they work at least 3.5 hours in a day, and a second paid ten-minute break if they work at least 6 hours.

Can I work 5.5 hours without a lunch break in California? ›

In compliance with California labor laws, nonexempt employees are entitled to an unpaid meal or lunch break lasting a minimum of 30 minutes for shifts exceeding five hours. This break, which should commence before the completion of the fifth hour of work, can be waived only if the workday does not surpass six hours.

How many rest breaks in a 12 hour shift in California? ›

Most California workers must receive the following breaks: An uninterrupted 30-minute unpaid meal break when working more than five hours in a day. An additional 30-minute unpaid meal break when working more than 12 hours in a day. A paid 10-minute rest period for every four hours worked.

What is the meal period law in California 2024? ›

Employers are required to grant you 30-minute meal breaks, but they are not required to make you take those breaks. Provided that the employer does not pressure or encourage you to skip or delay your meal breaks, you may take them at a later time or skip them voluntarily.

Is it illegal not to get a 15 minute break in California? ›

No, under California law rest period time is based on the total hours worked daily, and only one ten-minute rest period need be authorized for every four hours of work or major fraction thereof.

Can I sue my employer for not giving me breaks in California? ›

Yes, in California, employees have the right to meal and rest breaks. If an employer doesn't provide rest breaks and a lunch break as required by California law, employees may have grounds to pursue legal action.

Are there any exceptions to California's meal and rest break rules? ›

For instance, truck drivers are often considered exempt and are not entitled to California meal and rest breaks (although they must get breaks after 8 hours under federal law). Another example are “inside salespeople” who sell products or services while physically stationed at the employer's office.

What is the rest break policy in California? ›

Employees are permitted and authorized to take a paid, duty-free 10-minute rest break during each four-hour shift or major fraction thereof. The company generally will not authorize a rest break for employees whose total daily work time is less than three and one-half hours.

Can I skip my lunch break and leave early in California? ›

Unless your employer tells you otherwise, you're still expected to work up until your scheduled quitting time, even if you willingly skip lunch. There are some situations when employees may take what California law calls “on duty” meal periods.

What is Section 226.7 of the Labor Code? ›

Section 226.7(a) No employer shall require any employee to work during any meal or rest period mandated by an applicable order of the Industrial Welfare Commission.

How many lunch breaks are in a 10 hour shift in California? ›

Meal breaks
Hours worked by non-exempt employees in CaliforniaUnpaid meal breaks
Up to 5 hours0
More than 5 to 10 hours1
More than 10 to 15 hours2
More than 15 to 20 hours3
1 more row

How many hours straight can you legally work in California? ›

Overall, while there is no specific law in California that sets a limit on the number of hours straight that an employee can work, employers must provide meal and rest breaks to their non-exempt employees based on the number of hours worked in a day.

Are 10-minute breaks paid in California? ›

10-Minute Rest Breaks in California. California employment law requires employers to give non-exempt employees (which means “hourly” employees) one 10-minute rest break for every four hours of work. This break is paid and must be “uninterrupted” – meaning the boss can't ask the employee to do any work during the break.

Can you combine rest and meal breaks in California? ›

Under the law, rest and meal breaks are meant to be taken separately in California. Combining them might seem like a tempting way to take a longer break or leave work early. However, labor laws have established that these breaks should be taken at different times.

Does California give 10 or 15 minute breaks? ›

California employment law requires employers to give non-exempt employees (which means “hourly” employees) one 10-minute rest break for every four hours of work. This break is paid and must be “uninterrupted” – meaning the boss can't ask the employee to do any work during the break.

How many hours straight can you legally work in California without a break? ›

The law in California states that someone can work up to 6 hours with no lunch break. If the shift is longer than 6 hours there must be a lunch break at or before the end of the 5th hour. That lunch break can be as early as, but no earlier than, 3 hours into the shift.

Will the minimum wage increase in 2024 in California? ›

Please be aware that the California minimum wage will increase from $15.50 per hour to $16.00 per hour effective January 1, 2024. This change primarily impacts students in casual-restricted staff student positions. This change will be coordinated centrally by HR in collaboration with the UCPath Center.

How many breaks do you get in an 8 hour shift in California? ›

Under California law, non-exempt employees are entitled to one unpaid 30-minute meal break, and two paid 10-minute rest breaks, during a typical 8-hour shift.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.